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Setting up SMTP in PHP on a local Windows machine

Did you set up the script on a local Windows machine for testing and want to test the emails?

If you haven't done so already, then you will need to download and install an SMTP server.  Then you will need to configure the PHP php.ini file to use the SMTP server that was installed. (Restart your web server after modifying the php.ini file)

In the Million Dollar Script Main Config, DO NOT tick 'Use SMTP' settings, PHP will figure out the SMTP settings, and use SMTP in the background.

Note: In most cases, you do not need to tick 'Use SMTP' settings in Main Config. The script can use the default mail() function which comes with PHP

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  1. juanmcken

    Not getting any email when signing up nor when I click forgot password. Any help?
    I’ve filled my SMTP account details but not getting through.

    • Ryan

      If you’re trying to use SMTP on windows, many ISPs will block outgoing port 25 to prevent spammers. You may wish to use something like XAMPP or WAMP for testing locally in windows.

      If you’re on a server at a web host you could try to debug.

      Are you seeing anything in the Outgoing Email section in the MDS admin?

      Do you see anything when you enable the email debug option under SMTP settings after ordering?

      You can also try to enable error reporting in the Main Config by changing that option to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED

      Also, you may wish to post on the forums or use the contact form or Discord chat for support because that’s generally not what comments are designed for.

      • juanmcken

        Thank you for the reply… I didn’t know where to post my issues so I posted here looking for a fix to my problem. I’m using port 143 suggested by my host company, I’m not seeing anything on MDS admin.

  2. Ryan

    Port 143 is for IMAP not SMTP. You may want to consider a different hosting company. You probably want to use port 587 or 465 with TLS.


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