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Features at a Glance

  • Start ordering pixels without the need to signup or login
  • Shopping cart system supporting PayPal, 2Checkout, NOCHEX, Check / Money Order & Wire transfer, CCAvenue, Moneybookers.com, E-gold and Authorize.net. Orders are automatically fulfilled using callbacks systems, except for wire transfer and checks, which are completed from the Admin section.
  • An updated selection method simplifies the purchasing of pixels and makes it more easy.
  • Advertiser’s sign-in section.
  • Advertisers can precisely choose and reserve pixels before they pay.
  • Advertisers self-manage their pixels using the image upload tool.
  • Automatically generates the pixel grid. Multiple grids can be used, and grid dimensions can be configured.
  • Password protected Admin section
  • Admins can manage: User’s accounts, orders, pixels and more…
  • Admins can move pixels around the grid at any time!
  • Basic click tracking.
  • Set your own price.
  • Set the size of your grid to any width or height (Not restricted to a million)
  • Set the size of your grid blocks to any width or height (Not restricted to 10×10)
  • Users can upload an entire image at a time
  • Users can specify a unique URL & image for each image uploaded
  • Set the image size to any dimension you like.
  • Web-based installation and configuration. No need to mess around inside PHP files!
  • Option for pixels to expire.
  • Ability to set a user’s account to ‘privileged’.
  • Advertiser’s links can appear to point directly to their website (Great news for advertisers that focus on SEO)
  • Mouse-over box effect.
  •  Insert images in to the mouse-over box
  • Insert extra fields in to the mouse-over box using a Form Editor in the Admin.
  • Support for your local currency – prices can be displayed and formatted in any currency!
  • Ability to translate or edit the language of the script from your browser. A language translation / editing tool is included in the Admin section.
  • Plug-in payment architecture – Future payment modules will plug-in with the upload of a single file.
  • Ability to output pixel images as GIF, JPEG or PNG
  • Ability to interlace pixel images.
  • A pixel grid is loaded almost instantly before the pixels are loaded. (The user will see the grid straight away while waiting for the pixels to load)
  • Add a background image (see demo)
  • Ability to mark pixels as ‘Not For Sale’. This could be great if you want to have a border around your image, or you do not want users to purchase pixels over the background image.
  • One script can manage multiple grids on your website at once.
  • Ability to create custom price zones. (Works on both rows and columns. You can have unlimited number of price zones, anywhere you want. For example, have the top half paid and bottom half free)
  • Grids can be placed on any webpage. (Webmasters can paste special HTML code generated by the script to place the grids anywhere they want! Works kind of like Google AdSense)
  • AJAX based pixel selection method. The advertiser can order large amounts of pixels much faster – no need to reload the image with each click.
  • Ability to select up to 6 blocks of pixels with 1 click.
  • Packages! Each package can have a different price based on expiration of the pixels. Ability to control how many orders a customer can make for each package, eg. You can make it so that they can have 1 order for free, and others are paid.
  • 100+ Articles about the script in our Knowledge Base.

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