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Configuring 2Checkout.com payment module

2CO can be a flexible payment option for clients who are from countries which PayPal does not support. They also support more credit cards types, however there are some disadvantages with 2CO too.

The main disadvantage is that C20 agreement allows only one website per account, so you will need to pay the $50 fee to open a new 2CO account if you haven't done so already.

The script requires C2O account version 2.

Step 1.

Go to your Million Dollar Script Admin section, click on 'Payment Modules'. Install and Enable the 2CO payment module.
a. Enter your seller ID
b. Note down the recommended return URL. (It will be written in bold, ending with 2Checkout.php)
c. Enter the Secret word (see Step 2)
d. Demo Mode Y/N, the demo mode is used for testing.

Step 2.

You will need to set these in your C20 account. Go to the 'Look and Feel' section in your 2CO account, and set the following:

a. Turn 'Direct Return' to Yes
b. Set the Approved URL & Pending URL to the setting mentioned in step 1 (section b).
c. Enter a secret word, see step 1 (section 3)

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